Associate Producer @ Hyper Luminal Games
Abertay University Graduate
Key Projects
'Fishing Vessel of the Future'
Lead Artist (2D)
With Reclaimer Games &
The Scottish Fisheries Museum
Nov '19 - Jan 2020
Exhibited in the 'Sea- Change' Exhibit in Anstruther from January 2020, "Fishing Vessel of the Future' was a 2D, Educational, touch-screen experience. The game project was developed in collaboration with 'Reclaimer Games' in Dundee.
The aim of the game is to build your own fishing vessel using building blocks of various choices, some choices are environmentally friendly while some are not! You then use the boat to fish in the ocean, realising fully the effect of your boat on the marine wildlife.
Read more about the project here:
Exhibited in the 'Sea Change' Exhibit
Anstruther, Scottish Fisheries Museum!
'Critter Comforts'
Producer & 2-D Sprite Artist
Operas and Bridges Game Jam, V&A Dundee '19
Exhibited to the public at the
V&A Dundee!
This was a 2D retro-style game project designed and made by a team of three people during a 48hr game jam. It was a game inspired by the rumour of a mouse having lived in the Mackintosh Tea Room ‘1907. (V&A exhibit)
You play as Mack the mouse as you run about the old café eating scraps and avoiding patrons.
I was the Producer and sprite artist for this team managing time resources while supplying assets and managing team morale! We exhibited the work after the jam to visitors of the V&A!
'Forgotten Earth'
Project Manager &
3-D Asset&Prop Artist
Oct '18 - May '19
This was a 3-D Video Game Project developed in the ‘Unity’ game engine.
The premise consists of the story of a reconnaissance robot named ‘Crk8’ that has bee sent down to earth in a future where humans have left the planet. Crk8’s protocol chip is missing. He goes in search of it through a world thriving with plant-life.
My role on this project mainly consisted of managing project schedules, team management and formulating plans in order to gauge production time. I also assisted with some aspects of the art.
This game project made it through the first stage of the DARE Academy competition 2019.
'Oscar & Bo'
Producer &
3-D Asset& Prop Artist
Oct '18 - May '19
This was a 3D Video Game Project developed in the ‘Unreal’ game engine.
You play as a young boy ‘Oskar’ in the underground, looking for his dog who got lost in the caves. Oskar must be brave and solve a variety of puzzles to make it through the treacherous space and find his lost four-legged friend, ‘Bo’.
As the producer of this team my main tasks were to ensure the project was on schedule and to make plans to meet milestones. I was also creating artwork for the game, consisting of props and small objects.